12 Mistakes Runners Make (As Identified By Running Times)

I came across this article on the Running Times website this week (a wonderful wealth of information, by the way).  It is, quite simply, one of the most helpful articles related to improving training and performance that I have read in some time.  The article points out that even experienced runners are prone to make some of these mistakes, so regardless of your level of running expertise, it could possibly be worth a few moments of your time to check it out and see how you’re doing with these.

photo credit: [ changó ] via photopin cc

photo credit: [ changó ] via photopin cc

The list is as follows (full article here):

  1. Start Too Fast
  2. Make All Runs ‘Medium’ Runs
  3. Neglect Speed
  4. Recover Inadequately
  5. Overtrain
  6. Indulge in ‘All You Can Eat’ Workouts
  7. Refuse to Adjust Workouts
  8. Search For the Perfect Workout
  9. Become Running Fundamentalists
  10. Delay Injury Prevention Plans
  11. Train at Goal Pace
  12. Race Stupidly (A Compendium)

Of course, more detail on each of these is provided in the article and, not intended to leave you hanging, fixes for these mistakes are included, as well.  Though all of tips are perfectly logical and I may have heard many of them before, I think it is helpful to periodically return to fundamentals such as these and review how I am doing with them.  It is so easy to get caught up in the just doing of running, logging miles and times, and get distracted from focusing on the finer details that will really help me improve (not just maintain).

I know straightaway that I am guilty lately of committing #2.  I need to focus much more diligently on slowing down during my long runs so that my body can reap the benefits of the unique training they provide and so that I will be fresh enough to really do quality tempo runs when I need/want to.

Thanks, Running Times, for providing me with a fantastic opportunity to re-center on the details that will maximize the benefits of my training plan and overall performance!

29 comments on “12 Mistakes Runners Make (As Identified By Running Times)

  1. The mistake I’ve made is to have never started running. Oh wait – that wasn’t a mistake! Just having a little fun here, I’ve never been much of a runner:-)

  2. Ashley @ OurPersonalRecords says:

    What a great article! Thank you for sharing!

  3. jenn says:

    girl you read my mind – this is EXACTLY what i need right now in my training cycle and just in my general “life as a runner” cycle. thanks for the great post!!

  4. Cindy says:

    Ugh, I’m guilty of several of those on the list 😦 Guess, I need to reevaluate my running. Thanks for the post.

    • You’re welcome. I think you’re not alone in being guilty of them, so I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s just a great chance to realize there’s always more room to grow, I guess! (That’s my optimistic side today!).

  5. marob23 says:

    This is very true and I am guilty as charged of many of these, but sometimes I worry as much about over-thinking running, and losing the original reason for doing it. For me definitely its first and foremost a social and mind release thing, with health benefits thrown in. I like your blog BTW and move eat create – a wonderful trio !

    • Oh I definitely agree and think your point is a good one. It does not good to get so caught up in analyzing it that you lose the pure feeling of it, for sure. For me, I try to find a balance by spending some time here and there thinking about this stuff, but not consuming every run with it. Thanks for sharing this perspective!

  6. A lot of wisdom in the article, particularly injury prevention. Thanks for posting,

  7. Chris says:

    Yep – I’ve made most the mistakes listed! A stress fracture from over training, IT band issues as a result of delaying (or just ignoring) injury prevention techniques are two of the more painful experiences I’ve had. Thanks for sharing this – it’s a great reminder and it’s nice to know that I’m not alone!

  8. It’s hard to always have each one in balance. I’ll think I’ve got one down and then realize another needs attention. Great list though. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting my blog!

  9. Thanks for the link – I’m by no means a ‘runner’ (mine is more of a quick shuffle right now), but it’s good to know what to keep an eye out for 🙂

  10. Sophie33 says:

    This is all so true! a great post! 🙂

  11. […] For me, the ability to clarify my thoughts through writing is enhanced when I’m physically active.  When I take time off from running I find that my mood elevator plummets, my confidence weakens, and my anxiety starts to climb.  Which is why it’s so important to ensure that we don’t make the mistakes that moveeatcreate reminds us of in a recent post. […]

  12. Bonnie Lee says:

    Wow! I am a walker, not runner, but log as many miles as many of the runners I know and I have made every single one of those mistakes. But the big one for me is the almost willful desire to keep a medium pace and walk longer rather than push myself. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Eddy Gilmore says:

    Well shucks. I guess I agree with the list, but gee whiz I like my medium runs too. I’m not exactly going to be in the Olympics so I guess I wonder if I should care that every run is “medium” for me as well. I pretty much try to have fun, bump up the mileage, and run how I feel, which LOL is almost always medium.

  14. rzirkle says:

    I just looked up the article you mentioned and am excited to read it! I did a half marathon 2 years ago and swore I would never do another one again. I ran the first 5 miles WAY to fast and was miserable the rest of the race. I did another half marathon yesterday and made sure to pace myself better at the beginning and it made all the difference. Hopefully the suggestions in the article will help me fix my other running mistakes 🙂

  15. […] 12 Mistakes Runners Make (as Identified by Running Times) :  Oh, Running Times – I love you. […]

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